There is a story about this in the bible, and what’s interesting is that they knew back then that beans and grains combined created a complete protein. Otherwise, the bread alone would not sustain life long term. That’s the story, and this would make an excellent bread for fasting. In my opinion, this is much better in flavor, texture and price than the store-bought stuff.
Mill the grains and beans, mixed together, into a fine flour.
Mix together the flour, water, honey, and oil for five minutes.
Add the yeast and the salt, and mix together a few more minutes.
Let the dough rise until doubled. This is not optional.
Preheat the oven to 375 F.
Shape the dough into a loaf, and let rise in 9x5 bread pan.
Bake until 190 F in the middle of the loaf. If the crust gets too dark, lower the oven temp for the remainder of the bake to 325 or 350.
Let cool before slicing.
Store in a bag.
We always mill DRIED beans - never soaked.You may need to add a little more water (slowly) if it seems too dry and tough. Use the grains and beans you have. The key is to use both grains AND beans while making sure the hard grains make up the majority.Use the beans you have. If you don't have white northern, use navy beans or whatever you have. The KEY is to use beans AND grains. I once made this bread with lentils, kidney beans, and chickpeas because that's what I had on hand.