Author: Just Mill It

Types of Yeast: A Baker’s Guide to Bread-Raising Power

Types of Yeast: A Baker’s Guide to Bread-Raising Power

Ah, yeast—the magical ingredient that turns dough into fluffy, delicious bread. If you’ve ever been baffled by the yeast aisle at the store, fret not! Here’s a friendly guide to help you navigate the world of yeast options:

Choosing the Right Liquids for Perfect Bread

Choosing the Right Liquids for Perfect Bread

When it comes to baking whole grain bread, we often focus on the flour, yeast, and kneading techniques. Yet, there’s another key player that affects your loaf’s texture and flavor: the liquid. Let’s dive into the wonderful world of liquid options for your next baking adventure!

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Today we are talking about extra virgin olive oil, but first let’s talk fats. Our bodies need them for several reasons:

  1. Energy Booster: Think of fat as your body’s turbocharged energy reserve! It packs a punch, giving you more than double the energy of carbs or proteins per gram. So, whether you’re hitting the gym or just doing your daily hustle, fat’s got your back.
  2. Cozy Cushion: Fat isn’t just about looks—it’s like your body’s fluffy insulation. It wraps around your organs, keeping them safe from bumps and chills. Plus, it helps keep your body temperature just right, like a built-in snuggly blanket.
  3. Cell Superstar: Ever wonder how your cells stay in shape? Fat helps build their strong, flexible walls, keeping them in tip-top condition. It’s like the scaffolding that holds everything together.
  4. Hormone Harmony: Fats aren’t just good for your body—they’re VIPs in the hormone world. They help make those important messengers that keep things running smoothly, from your mood to your metabolism to blood sugar regulation.
  5. Brain Food: Your brain loves fat! It’s like a gourmet meal for those little neurons. Omega-3s and other fats help keep your thinking sharp and your memory on point.
  6. Taste Bud Tantalizer: Ever notice how tasty foods often have a bit of fat? It’s not just for flavor—fat makes meals more satisfying and keeps you feeling full longer. It’s like the butter on top of a delicious slice of fresh milled bread!

Remember, not all fats are created equal. Go for the good stuff. Your body will thank you with energy, protection, and all-around awesomeness!

I use a TON of extra virgin olive oil. I make bread with it on a daily basis, along with some delicious herbs for dipping with my crusty, rustic italian bread. Last week, I made the most light and airy, delicious angel food cake with a bunch of egg whites, and with the leftover yolks I made the BEST mayo using my Kasandrino’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Look for that recipe coming soon!

Earlier this year, I dove into Dr. Simon Poole’s fascinating book, “The Real Mediterranean Diet“. It’s like a science-packed treasure map to understanding why this way of eating is so incredibly healthy. Seriously, it’s a must-read!

One of the coolest parts was Dr. Poole’s deep dive into olive oil. He dedicated a whole chapter to it! He talks about how you can literally taste the health in those fruity, bitter, and peppery flavors of extra virgin olive oil. It’s not just tasty—it’s packed with superpowers for your body.

Dr. Poole also blew my mind when he revealed that most of us need to be guzzling down about 10 times more olive oil than we currently do. Who knew? He compares it to a superhero duo: when you combine olive oil with other ingredients, BAM! Extra powerful health benefits.

And get this—olive oil isn’t just a once-in-a-blue-moon purchase. Dr. Poole suggests it should be on your shopping list weekly, or even more often. It’s like upgrading your pantry to a health-boosting paradise!

If you’re into discovering how food can be your secret weapon for feeling awesome, this book will totally rock your world. Trust me, it’s not your average read—it’s a journey into delicious, science-backed goodness.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Reigns Supreme in High-Heat Cooking

Check this out—antioxidants are like the superheroes that protect oils during cooking, preventing them from turning into bad guys like polar compounds and free radicals. These villains have been linked to serious stuff like Alzheimer’s and cancer, so keeping them in check is a big deal.

Now, guess which oil stood strong with the lowest polar compound percentage after being heated up to a scorching 460°F for hours? You got it—extra virgin olive oil takes the crown! It beat out all the usual suspects you’d think of using for high-heat cooking, hands down. According to the scoop from Acta Scientific Nutritional Health (June 2018), it clocked in with the lowest polar compounds at just 5972 mg/kg.

This discovery got me pumped to explore different types of extra virgin olive oil. Organic was my first must-have, no question. Plus, milling those grains fresh has totally leveled up my ingredient game—all while saving some cash along the way. Win-win, right?

Where to Find High Quality Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

So, I tried the organic extra virgin olive oil from Costco—it came from all over the place, and let’s just say it didn’t quite have that special flavor I read about in the book. Then there was the single origin stuff at Costco, but it wasn’t organic either. Talk about frustrating!

But hey, someone hooked me up with their favorite, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer. Kinda like baking bread with freshly milled flour—it might seem intense at first, but wow, did that flavor grow on me. Now, it’s become this delicious, must-have part of my kitchen adventures.

The Flavor of EVOO

I could roast and entire tray of veggies in this oil, and eat the ENTIRE tray myself. Over fresh milled bread, of course. The polyphenols go from the olive oil into the veggies, and the good nutrients from the veggies go into that olive oil – and it’s heaven for your palate.

Polyphenols – what are they

Polyphenols are like the superheroes in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), packing both flavor and serious health perks. Check out why they’re not just tasty, but totally nutritious too:

  1. Antioxidant Avengers: Polyphenols are mega antioxidants that take down free radicals, lowering the risk of diseases like heart issues and cancer. They’re like your body’s shield against oxidative stress.
  2. Inflammation Fighters: EVOO’s polyphenols also have anti-inflammatory powers, calming down inflammation that can lead to all sorts of health troubles. Think of them as peacekeepers for your body’s peace of mind.
  3. Heart Health Champions: These antioxidants help keep your ticker in top shape by improving cholesterol levels and blood pressure. They even help your blood vessels do their job better—now that’s heart-smart!
  4. Cancer Busters: Some studies suggest polyphenols might even lend a hand in preventing certain cancers. They’re like bodyguards, protecting cells from going rogue.
  5. Brain Buffs: Polyphenols could safeguard your brain cells from damage, possibly lowering the risk of diseases like Alzheimer’s. It’s like giving your brain its own personal bodyguard detail.
  6. Skin Superstars: Whether you apply them or enjoy them in your food, polyphenols can keep your skin looking fab by fending off UV damage and boosting elasticity. Hello, glow!
  7. Gut Guardians: EVOO’s polyphenols are also good news for your gut, helping to keep things running smoothly and possibly preventing digestive issues. They’re like the friendly helpers your gut microbiome loves.

So, next time you drizzle some EVOO, remember you’re not just adding flavor—you’re adding a whole lot of goodness to your body. Super tasty and super healthy—what’s not to love?

Here’s the scoop: the perks of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) can vary depending on how much and what kinds of polyphenols are in there, plus your own health vibe and what you munch on daily. Picking top-notch EVOO and mixing it into a balanced diet? That’s how you amp up those health bonuses and make every bite count!

Dr. Mel’s Choice: Kasandrino’s

Check out Kasandrino’s EVOO—they’ve got options for everyone, whether you prefer glass bottles, cans, or even the trusty bag in a box. If you’re like me and worry about plastics sneaking into your food, go with the glass or can. But here’s the twist I picked up from Dr. Poole’s book: that bag in a box? It’s like a superhero cape for your olive oil, keeping oxygen out and slowing down the whole oxidation thing. That’s why I’m all in on the bag in a box—because in my kitchen, I make the rules!

And hey, I’m not just spinning a yarn here—I’ve got skin in the game. I’ve got that 3-liter box on a monthly subscription. It’s my go-to for everything from whipping up bread to dunking fresh veggies and making magic in the skillet. Seriously, I use it like that one lady uses her Frank’s Red Hot sauce—you know what I mean, right? #iykyk

Their Story

When it comes to caring about olive oil and your well-being, this family doesn’t mess around. Dive into their story, and you’ll see exactly why they’ve got my trust and taste buds hooked.


I’d really encourage you to give these guys a shot and share your thoughts with me. Dealing with heart health, blood sugar stuff, or hoping for any of those cool benefits from polyphenols I mentioned? Maybe give that book a whirl. Then grab yourself some EVOO that’s tasty, good for you, and pairs perfectly with freshly milled grains. Thanks a bunch!

Tangzhong vs. Yudane

Tangzhong vs. Yudane

Learn about tangzhong and yudane, which is better, and how to use it for better bread. Learn about the quick, no wait yudane method Dr. Mel uses.

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Einkhorn Bread Recipe: Embracing Ancient Origins in Baking

Einkhorn Bread Recipe: Embracing Ancient Origins in Baking

Einkorn Bread Recipe: Rediscover the Art of Baking with 100% Freshly Milled Whole Grain

Einkhorn wheat is a treasure from the past —a grain cherished for its rich history and nutritional benefits. Join me on a journey back in time as we explore the process of baking this 100% Freshly Milled Whole Grain Einkorn Bread recipe.

The Allure of Einkorn

Einkorn is one of the oldest forms of cultivated wheat, known for its distinct flavor and nutritional profile. Unlike modern wheat varieties, Einkorn retains its original genetic makeup, offering higher levels of protein, essential minerals, and a richer taste that adds depth to baked goods. By using freshly milled whole grain Einkorn flour in this recipe, we not only embrace its ancient origins but also ensure maximum flavor and nutrition in every slice.

Check out our article on Spelt vs. Einkorn

Tips for Success:

  • Freshly Milled Flour: Milling your own Einkorn flour ensures the highest quality and flavor. It’s worth the extra effort!
  • Patience with Rising: Einkorn dough may rise slower than conventional wheat dough. Be patient; the results are worth it.
  • Experiment with Variations: Feel free to add nuts, seeds, or dried fruits to personalize your bread recipe.

Embrace the Craft with Einkhorn

Baking this 100% Freshly Milled Whole Grain Einkorn Bread recipe is more than just a culinary endeavor; it’s a homage to ancient traditions and a celebration of wholesome ingredients. By incorporating this recipe into your baking repertoire, you not only nourish your body but also connect with centuries of baking heritage.

Rediscover the art of baking Einkorn bread and experience the satisfaction of creating bread that is not only delicious but also a testament to your dedication to quality and authenticity. Let the aroma of freshly baked bread fill your kitchen and transport you to a time when baking was a labor of love and a source of sustenance for communities.

Where to Get Einkhorn Wheat Berries

When I started out milling Einkhorn bread, the only place I could find the Einkhorn wheat berries was at Jovial Foods, but you can get them in a variety of places. Here are a few places to try:

100% Einkhorn Bread

100% Einkhorn Wheat Bread – Fresh Milled

Just Mill It
This bread uses 100% freshly milled Einkhorn wheat berries and turns out moist and flavorful.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Course Bread
Cuisine Italian
Servings 16 slices
Calories 107 kcal



  • Mill the flour as fine as you can.
  • Make the yudane by mixing 25 grams of flour with 50 grams of boiling water.
  • If using active dry yeast, prove the yeast by adding it and the sugar to a small bowl with 50 grams of water, and set aside until yeast is added to the recipe.
  • Add water, egg, olive oil, sugar (if not used in the proving step), yudane and flour to your mixing bowl, and mix on low-medium speed for about 5 minutes.
  • Let the dough rest for 15-30 minutes.
  • Add the yeast, salt, and vitamin c to the dough, and mix for another five minutes or until windowpane is reached.
  • Let the dough rise until almost doubled.
  • Preheat oven to 375 F.
  • Shape the dough and let rise in your greased or lined bread pan until a finger pressed into the top doesn't spring back at you.
  • Bake the bread until the middle of the loaf is 190 F.
  • Remove from oven and pan, and cool on a wire rack before slicing.



Serving: 50gCalories: 107kcalCarbohydrates: 18gProtein: 4gFat: 2gSaturated Fat: 0.3gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.2gMonounsaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0.001gCholesterol: 10mgSodium: 151mgPotassium: 11mgFiber: 4gSugar: 0.4gVitamin A: 15IUVitamin B1: 0.1mgVitamin B2: 0.04mgVitamin B3: 0.3mgVitamin B5: 0.1mgVitamin B6: 0.02mgVitamin B12: 0.03µgVitamin C: 0.003mgVitamin D: 0.1µgVitamin E: 0.3mgVitamin K: 1µgCalcium: 14mgIron: 1mg
Keyword bread, einkhorn, fresh milled
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

And there you have it — your journey into the world of Einkorn bread begins! With its ancient origins and wholesome qualities, baking this 100% freshly milled whole grain Einkorn bread recipe isn’t just about creating a delicious loaf; it’s about reconnecting with tradition and savoring the natural goodness of freshly milled flour. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or new to the art, exploring the nuances of Einkorn will surely enrich your baking experience.

So, gather your ingredients, embrace the craft, and let the aroma of freshly baked Einkorn bread fill your kitchen with warmth and nostalgia. Remember, with each slice, you’re not just enjoying bread — you’re celebrating centuries of baking heritage and the joys of wholesome, authentic baking.

Get your Einkhorn wheat berries ready and embark on this flavorful journey today.

Spelt vs. Einkorn: The Ultimate Battle of Ancient Grains

Spelt vs. Einkorn: The Ultimate Battle of Ancient Grains

Battle of the Ancient Grains: Spelt vs. Einkorn for Baking Whole Grain Goodness Welcome, fellow baking enthusiasts and health-conscious foodies, to a showdown of epic proportions in the world of ancient grains! Today, we’re diving into the age-old debate: Spelt vs. Einkorn — which ancient read more…

Delicious Lemon Spelt Pound Cake Recipe

Delicious Lemon Spelt Pound Cake Recipe

This delicious lemon spelt pound cake boost the nutrition of a beloved favorite: lemon pound cake. Fresh milled makes it even better!

Spelt Nutrition

Spelt Nutrition

Milling spelt into flour alters its composition and nutritional profile compared to whole grain spelt. Here are the nutritional benefits and considerations of using spelt flour:

Nutritional Benefits of Spelt Flour:

  1. High in Protein: Spelt flour retains a significant amount of protein from the whole grain, making it a good source for those looking to increase their protein intake. It contains around 10-15% protein, which is higher than many other grains.
  2. Rich in Fiber: While not as high in fiber as whole grain spelt, spelt flour still contains a decent amount of dietary fiber. It helps promote digestive health and can aid in managing blood sugar levels.
  3. Vitamins and Minerals: Spelt flour retains some of the essential vitamins and minerals found in whole grain spelt, including B vitamins (such as niacin and thiamine) and minerals like manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium. These nutrients play important roles in energy metabolism, bone health, and overall cellular function.
  4. Lower Gluten Content: Although not gluten-free, spelt flour has a lower gluten content compared to modern wheat varieties. Some individuals with mild gluten sensitivities may find spelt easier to digest, but it is not suitable for those with celiac disease.
  5. Rich Flavor: Spelt flour has a nutty and slightly sweet flavor profile, which can enhance the taste of baked goods and other recipes.

Considerations When Using Spelt Flour:

  1. Processing: Shelf-stable spelt flour has the bran and germ removed, which are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This results in a loss of nutritional benefits compared to milling your own whole grain spelt flour.
  2. Gluten Sensitivity: While spelt has a different gluten structure compared to wheat, it still contains gluten and is not suitable for individuals with celiac disease.
  3. Baking Characteristics: Spelt flour behaves differently in baking compared to traditional wheat flour. It has less elasticity and may require adjustments in recipes, such as the amount of liquid.

Ways to Incorporate Spelt Flour:

  • Baking: Use spelt flour in place of or in combination with wheat flour in baking recipes like bread, muffins, pancakes, and cookies.
  • Cooking: Spelt flour can be used to thicken sauces, soups, and stews due to its binding properties.
  • Alternative Products: Make your own spelt-based pasta, crackers, and cereals for variety in your diet.

In a Nutshell:

Milling spelt into flour preserves many of its nutritional benefits, including protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. It offers a flavorful alternative to traditional wheat flour and can be a valuable addition to a balanced diet. Additionally, it’s essential to remember that using whole grain spelt retains more of its fiber and nutrients compared to spelt flour from the store. Why not try milling some whole grain spelt flour, incorporating this ancient grain into your meals for a diverse and nutritious diet?

Vital Wheat Gluten: Understanding the Role in Bread Making

Vital Wheat Gluten: Understanding the Role in Bread Making

Learn everything you need to know about vital wheat gluten, what it is, how to use it, and alternatives.