Baking Ingredients in Dr. Mel’s Kitchen

I’m particular about ingredients we put on and in our bodies. It’s been a journey of health and wellness that has spanned decades, often driven by experiences with my children.

One day, I’ll share the story about my dear daughter and how the allergies and severe eczema of my youngest led us to start milling our flour fresh. If the products I use don’t fit into your lifestyle, that’s perfectly fine! I only recommend products that I’d buy and use for my own family.

Whenever possible, I buy organic, and if we can grow it ourselves or get it from friends who do, we do. We also prefer glass over plastic whenever possible. Whether your standards are as high as mine or different, what truly matters is that you can find the ingredients I use here. I often get questions like, “What brand? Where do you get it?” and more. Don’t feel pressured to match someone else’s standards, but if yours happen to align with mine – that’s great!

Also, just a heads-up: some of the links you’ll find here are affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you if you make a purchase through these links. I only share products I truly believe in and use myself, so you can trust that these recommendations come from the heart.

Wet Ingredients

Baking Add-ins

Liquid Sweeteners and Additives


I only share products or ingredients on my site that I use and love personally. This will NEVER change. If someone asks me to review a product they send, it will be at their own risk because I don't filter my opinions for anyone. When you click a link to buy on my blog, it helps support me while costing you nothing.