Category: Mills & Milling

How much grain makes 1 cup of flour?

How much grain makes 1 cup of flour?

One of the top questions in freshly milled flour groups is “how much grain mills one cup of flour”, but in different ways. My recipes are listed as grams of grain, while Sue Becker’s recipes are listed as cups of flour. Other recipes may list read more…

How to Make Bread Flour and More at Home

How to Make Bread Flour and More at Home

How to make all the flour you can dream of, from chickpea and other bean flours, gluten-free flour, cake, all-purpose, pastry, bread flour and more.

How to Make Wheat Flour: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Make Wheat Flour: Step-by-Step Guide

The first step of making bread is grinding the grains to make wheat flour, or more specifically bread flour.  The way you grind grains into flour will differ depending upon the grain mill you have. I’m going to link to videos with instructions on how to use each of the most popular flour mills that are out there.

What is the Best Grain Mill for Me?

Click the link above if you don’t yet have a grain mill, and want to know what type of mill will best serve your needs.  There is no BEST grain mill – there is only the best flour mill for YOU, as we are all different.  Some folks LOVE the impact mills, while others swear by stone mills, and we have some folks who prefer the bliss and exercise of milling their own bread flour by manpower.

Impact Grain Mills

These are a type of mill that grinds grain into flour by pulverizing them into oblivion.  I don’t know how else to put it, but it sounds like an aircraft taking off or a vacuum cleaner.

  1. Fully assemble your mill according to the instructions.
  2. Turn on the mill
  3. Put the grains into the hopper.
  4. When the pitch of the mill goes from low to high, turn off the machine.
  5. Remove the flour from the container (either under, or next to the mill).

Nutrimill Classic

Electric Stone Flour Mills

These are small versions of the stone grist millstones from the old days before steel roller mills came on the scene, but they are powered by electricity, and fit nicely on your counter-top. These stone flour mills work by grinding the grains into bread flour between two stones, which can be adjusted closer together for fine flour, and set further apart for a more coarse grind.  The directions for stone mills will all be quite similar, with some adjustments in how you change coarseness or fineness of your flour you are grinding.

  1. Plug in, and turn on your grain mill.
  2. You should hear the stones lightly tapping for fine flour.
  3. Place a bowl below the flour spout to catch the flour.
  4. Pour the grains into the hopper, and place the lid on top
  5. Once you hear the stones tapping, turn off the stone flour mill.

Mockmill 100 & 200 Stone Mills

Nutrimill Harvest Impact Mill

Komo Mills (Stone Mills)

Manual Mills

If you are still wondering how to make wheat flour, or more specifically how to make bread flour without vital wheat gluten – all you need is some hard wheat berries and the directions for how to use your mill in the links above.  Although grinding grain into flour may seem complicated, scary or even time consuming – I am positive you’ll be excited to find out there isn’t much easier than grinding grain into flour at home.

There are many options on the types of grain you can choose to make bread flour at home, but this guide on grains by category may help you choose the best grains for you.

Ready to skip ahead and just make some bread?  Basic Bread Dough will get you a beautiful bread that stays soft for days.

Now that we have milled our flour, we can move on to step #2 – Mixing and Kneading

How to Choose the Best Grain Mill for Your Needs

How to Choose the Best Grain Mill for Your Needs

Choosing the best grain mill isn’t easy, as there are several types of mills. Manual and electric, with some having options for both, or even bicycle power. I’ll start by covering the basics, some options, pros and cons for each.  Each type of mill can read more…