Sucanat in Baking: Sugar Swap

Sucanat: A Sweet Sugar Swap for Baking

When it comes to baking, finding a healthier sugar alternative can make a big difference in your overall health. One excellent option to consider is Sucanat (Sugar Cane Natural), a whole, unrefined cane sugar. In this post, we’ll explore the health benefits of Sucanat, its glycemic load, how it’s made compared to refined sugar, the important nutrients it retains, and summarize a few key research articles that highlight its benefits.

What is Sucanat?

Sucanat is a brand name for a type of whole cane sugar that retains its molasses content, giving it a rich flavor and brown color. Unlike refined white sugar, Sucanat is less processed and maintains more of the natural nutrients found in sugar cane.

How Sucanat is Made vs. Refined Sugar

  • Sucanat: Made by crushing sugar cane to extract the juice, which is then evaporated to remove water and crystallized. This process retains all the molasses, giving Sucanat its distinct flavor and nutritional profile.
  • Refined Sugar: Undergoes multiple stages of processing and refining. The sugar cane juice is filtered, purified, and stripped of molasses, resulting in white, granulated sugar. This extensive processing removes most of the natural minerals and vitamins. See our other article on refined sugar vs natural alternatives.

Glycemic Load of Sucanat

Glycemic Load (GL) is a measure of how much a food will raise a person’s blood glucose level after eating it. Foods with a lower GL are better for managing blood sugar levels.

  • Sucanat: Has a lower glycemic load compared to refined white sugar. Sucanat’s GL is approximately 47 per 100 grams, while white sugar’s GL is around 65 per 100 grams. This makes Sucanat a better option for those looking to manage their blood sugar levels.

Retained Nutrients in Sucanat

One of the significant advantages of Sucanat over refined sugar is its retention of natural nutrients, including:

  1. Minerals: Sucanat retains essential minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which are often lost during the refining process of white sugar.
  2. Vitamins: Sucanat contains small amounts of B vitamins, which play crucial roles in energy metabolism and overall health.
  3. Protein and Fiber: Unlike refined sugar, Sucanat retains tiny amounts of protein and fiber from the original sugar cane.
  4. Enzymes: The minimal processing of Sucanat helps preserve some of the natural enzymes present in sugar cane, which can aid in digestion and overall metabolic health.
  5. Antioxidants: The presence of molasses in Sucanat means it also retains antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

Health Benefits of Sucanat

  1. Retains Nutrients: Unlike refined sugar, Sucanat retains many of the natural nutrients found in sugar cane, including iron, calcium, potassium, B vitamins, protein, fiber, and enzymes. These nutrients can contribute to overall health when used in moderation.
  2. Lower Glycemic Load: The lower glycemic load of Sucanat helps in managing blood sugar levels better than refined sugar, making it a preferable choice for those monitoring their glucose intake.
  3. Rich Flavor: The presence of molasses gives Sucanat a rich, complex flavor, allowing you to use less in recipes without sacrificing sweetness.

Research on Sucanat (Unrefined Cane Sugar)

  1. Impact of Unrefined Cane Sugar on Metabolic Health
    • Summary: This study compared the effects of unrefined cane sugar and refined sugar on metabolic health. Results showed that unrefined cane sugar had a lesser impact on blood glucose levels and insulin response, indicating it could be a healthier alternative for metabolic health.
  2. Antioxidant Properties of Unrefined Sugar Cane
    • Summary: Research highlighted that unrefined sugar cane, such as Sucanat, contains higher levels of antioxidants compared to refined sugar. These antioxidants can help combat oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.
  3. Nutritional Comparison of Refined and Unrefined Sugars
    • Summary: This study analyzed the nutritional content of various sugars and found that unrefined sugars like Sucanat retained significantly more minerals and vitamins than their refined counterparts. The study supports the use of unrefined sugars for better nutritional benefits.

Substitute Refined Sugar for Sucanat

Bonus points to Sucanat (other brand names may be Rapadura or Panela) since the ratio for swapping is one to one. I love natural sugars that require no extra changes when swapping out. I’m careful to avoid buying “evaporated cane juice”. The product should not be translucent, meaning you should not be able to see light through the granules of sugar. If you can, it’s not unrefined like you think!

Flavor Profile

Sucanat has a deep, rich flavor with strong molasses notes. It tastes much like brown sugar but with a more pronounced, slightly caramel-like taste. Because it retains all of its molasses, Sucanat has a more complex flavor compared to refined white sugar or even standard brown sugar.

If you want to win at the game of swaps with no extra changes, use Sucanat and coconut sugar together. The coconut sugar is more mild in flavor and will replace white sugar quite well.


Switching to Sucanat in your baking can provide a range of health benefits, from retaining essential nutrients to managing blood sugar levels more effectively. Its rich flavor and lower glycemic load make it a sweet choice for a healthier lifestyle. So next time you’re reaching for sugar, consider swapping it out for Sucanat and enjoy the benefits of a more natural sweetener.

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