Toxin Free Baking Lecture

This is a recording of a lecture I did yesterday in the Toxin Free Tips & Tricks group. It covers possible toxins in your flour and flour-based products, and how you can lessen your toxic load and support health with freshly milled, whole grains. Resources with links are below this video.

How to choose the best mill for me?

Dr. Mel’s Fresh Milled Shop, your source for toxin-free baking ingredients and supplies including all your grain mill options.

Dr. Mel’s FREE Ultimate Guide to baking with fresh milled flour. All the charts you’ll need or want, and bases that are flexible, quick, and easy. I include variations so it’s like many recipes in one. All my socials are at the top of my web site.

Join myself and Lovely Bell Bakes, and our community of bakers on the journey of fresh milled, whole grain flour at:

For more details on why you should mill your own flour, including plenty of scholarly research articles to make your heart content, check out my online video course. The videos are light and fun but the written content is detailed and backed by science:

I only share products or ingredients on my site that I use and love personally. This will NEVER change. If someone asks me to review a product they send, it will be at their own risk because I don't filter my opinions for anyone. When you click a link to buy on my blog, it helps support me while costing you nothing.